33. Frodo Wants A Weird Woodsy Wife (W/ Mark McDaniel & Geneva Willis)

You know what they say! One late podcast in the hand is worth two on time podcasts in the bush!

And the wait is worth it! Two brand new guests, Geneva Willis and Mark McDaniel bring their Lord of the Rings expertise and a warm smile to the podcast! Old Noakes is at it again, not leaving Frodo alone for wanting a weird woodsy wife.

Don't follow Mark

Follow Geneva: @GKWillis6

Follow Chad: @Chadaoliver

22. The Tongues Are Wagging! (W/ Ethan Lawrence & Eli Smith)

No telling who is more excited: The people of Hobbiton for this long-expected birthday party, or Chad for having these two guests back! Ethan brings back his favorite segment, Lord of the Real Estate, and Chad brings back his horrible accent.

Watch Ethan in After Life on Netflix

Watch Eli @MisterWallet on TikTok

Listen to more shows @ThatMightBeCool